четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

Secret Link between Obesity and Breast Cancer

No one knows the exact causes of breast cancer. Doctors are careful when discussing reasons why one woman would experience breast cancer while another, in the same family or circle of friends would be cancer free.

American Cancer Society researchers have documented there is a growing connection between breast cancer and obesity - especially abdominal and upper-body obesity. For example, almost half of all breast cancer cases occur in obese women.

Also, cancerous breast tumors are notoriously hard to find in young women with more than 15-20 percent excess body fat. Exactly how severe overweight leads to breast cancers is not yet known. The link between body mass index and breast cancer is mostly statistical. "We can see it, but we don't understand exactly why it exists."

The potential health risks for women who are overweight or obese are not limited to breast cancer. Heart disease is a killer of more women than any other single malady. Take a look at a report from the American Heart Association:

"Obesity is now recognized as a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, which can lead to heart attack. Some reasons for this higher risk are known, but others are not. For example, obesity;

  • Raises blood cholesterol and triglyceride (tri-GLIS'er-id) levels. lowers HDL "good" cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is linked with lower heart disease and stroke risk, so reducing it tends to raise the risk.

  • Raises blood pressure levels.

  • Can induce diabetes. In some people, diabetes makes these other risk factors much worse. The danger of heart attack is especially high for these people.

  • Even when there are no adverse effects on the known risk factors, obesity by itself increases risk of heart disease. It also harms more than just the heart and blood vessel system. It's a major cause of gallstones and can worsen degenerative joint disease."

Let's get right to the heart of the matter. There are few who would doubt that being overweight is less than advantageous for a number of reasons, including the serious potential health risks. What complicates the issue is most individuals have little success with diets and other attempts at losing weight.

When the question of long term weight loss success is asked there are less than 5% of all dieters who can report they have been successful at keeping weight off.

What is not wide spread knowledge is there are so-called secrets of dieting that many in the mainstream have not tapped into. Take it from me, I've been counseling men and women in weight loss techniques since 1980 and I've had my share of losers in the finest sense of the word.

Losing weight for most people is a conscious process from start to finish. What I mean by this is most people think of what they are going to do to lose weight and plan their approach in a focused manner that differs little each time they start a diet.

The mind actually has two chambers that process information and provide for other functions. The problem for most dieters is they are placing too much of the focus for their success on the conscious mind. It is the subconscious mind that must handle the major part of the change process. To balance this process to help increase my client's rate of success, I prepared a simple list of success tips.

Using subconscious processes is much simpler when one has a coach. However, my client's have experienced great results with a tip sheet I provide. I give this list of 5 simple tips to newbies who are trying self-hypnosis or hypnosis for the first time.

While no hypnosis is involved, my success rate has averaged 85% for those who follow the deceivingly simple looking tips for weight loss beginners. Take a look at the list and spend 10 to 15 minutes for the next 5 days just reading my 5 most important tips over and over to yourself. You will be amazed at what you'll notice in the next 7 to 10 days.

  • Decide on how much weight you want to lose over the next 30 days and write it down on a 3X5 card. Once you've written it down promise yourself to look at the number 3 times a day for the next 30 days (in the morning, at noon, and at bedtime work best). While you're looking at the number you've written on your card, visualize yourself in your perfect size, shape, clothes you like, and the activity you would most like to enjoy as the New You!

    At first this might not be easy to do, however, your visuals will become clearer and more detailed each time you practice. Just Do It!

  • Eliminate Guilt! If you've ever tried to lose weight you have most likely failed. Poor will power, a bad diet, working hours that only allow for eating fast food, or any of a million reasons could explain the failure. Nothing is accomplished by feeling guilty or mentally beating yourself up. Let it go. Be kind to yourself and start over. You'll feel better and your next attempt will improve. Commit to giving up on guilt, not yourself.

  • Unless your doctor has directed you to do so, stop weighing yourself every day or every week. Step on the scales when you start your weight loss program, write down your weight and put the scales into the closet. Don't pull them out again for at least 30 days.

  • Drink 3 to 4 glasses of water every day and load up on vegetable snacks.

  • Have fun and enjoy yourself to the Max! Life is too long to mope around worrying and fretting about how it could have been. Enjoy yourself to the fullest exactly as you are right now. Being OK with yourself now, at this moment in time, is a very important idea for you to understand. Work on it daily.

For reference site about weight loss

среда, 27 марта 2013 г.

The 1200 Calorie Diet - Daily Plan

One of the best secrets Asian women use to get ultra-skinny is keeping to a strict eating routine that keeps their total calories around 1200 per day.

The trick though is that they do it without feeling hungry or starving, and that way it's easy to stay on the plan for long periods of time. And they also do it using foods that can provide the best nutrients and healthy ingredients that allow them to stay fit and happy year-round.

Today we're going to look at a single day's eating plan that will keep you on a 1200 calorie diet while feeling full and satisfied!

1200 Calorie Diet - Daily Meal Plan

Honestly, it's impossible to learn all of the true secrets that Asian women use to get ultra-thin, even after just giving birth, from a single day's diet plan. But you CAN pick up a few ideas that can help you over the short term from the routine below. Here's a basic easy-to-follow plan:


1 x whole-wheat muffin with a good-sized spoon of peanut butter. Add 1/2 a normal banana and you're done!


1 x apple, along with a handful of natural almonds.


2 x slices of whole wheat bread, 3 x ounces of low-salt turkey breast, 1 x slice of low-fat cheese, a piece of lettuce and a tomato.

Add a spoon of mustard and for dessert have a nice tasty orange.


1 x cup of low-fat yogurt (try "greek" yogurt, it has a higher protein concentration).


4 x ounces of skinless chicken breast (grilled, boiled, or baked is fine)

1 x cup of steamed broccoli and 1/2 of a cup of organic brown rice.


1 x cup of low-fat (1%) milk and two fat free low calorie cookies

Important Notes For Success

Whenever I go over multiple 1200 calorie diet meal plans and routines with my weight loss clients I emphasize that they are NOT to go below a minimum of 1000 total calories per day.

Often what happens is that while on the program they tend to lose weight quickly, and they assume that by cutting calories even further they'll drop MORE pounds. In reality the opposite is true, once you get below 1200 calories or so your metabolism will begin to limit itself because it believes you're starving.

Once that happens it becomes extremely difficult to lose weight, so it's important that you stick to the 1200 calorie diet plan as your health professional recommends. The last thing you want to do is have your hormones, metabolism, and other bodily functions start to shut down from a lack of nutrients or calories...stay at 1200 and lose!

What If You Still Can't Lose Weight?

If you just can't seem to ever lose weight, even using the 1200 calorie diet plan above, you'll need to learn a secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...without starving or doing crazy workouts.

New Articles here

среда, 20 марта 2013 г.

С зарплатой в 2 тыс грн украинцы не смогут купить квартиры

Жилищная проблема в Украине существовала всегда. Однако в последние годы она стоит особенно остро.

"Квадраты" в стране стоят дорого даже по европейским меркам, кредиты выдаются под невероятные проценты, тогда как труд украинцев оценивается очень низко.

В таких условиях, естественно, среднестатистический житель страны и подумать не может о приобретении собственной квартиры. Что же касается правительства, то его инициативы и различные программы по обеспечению жильем, как правило, так и остаются в стадии обсуждения.

Поэтому недавнее заявление Премьер-министра Николая Азарова о намерении за 10 лет ликвидировать жилищную проблему в Украине прозвучало очень неправдоподобно.

Чтобы узнать, насколько реальны такие планы, «ГолосUA» обратился к советнику министра регионального развития, строительства и ЖКХ Анатолию Беркуте.

- Анатолий Всеволодович, по вашему мнению, можно ли ликвидировать в Украине жилищную проблему за 10 лет?

- Теоретически да. Но для этого необходимо четко понимать: если мы хотим удовлетворить всех, кто стоит на очереди – это одно. А если мы хотим довести уровень обеспечения жильем до определенного показателя – это совсем другое.

Продажа квартир

Квартиры в Украине

Квартир в Киеве

Квартиры в пригороде

Продажа комнат

1-ком. квартиры в Киеве

2-ком. квартиры в Киеве

3-ком. квартиры в Киеве

4-ком. квартиры в Киеве

Добавить объявление

Думаю, что нам нужно стремиться обеспечить собственным жильем каждого. И если кто-то сейчас утверждает, что 58 квадратов на семью – это мало, я ему возражу.

Я был в гостях у друзей в Германии – квартиры у них 60-70 м, двух- трехкомнатные. И они мне рассказали, что средний класс живет именно в таких квартирах, потому что и это очень дорого. Только тут, в Украине, люди могут позволить себе строить настоящие дворцы – под Киевом и вокруг других областных центров.

- А как вы оцените программу «Доступное жилье»?

- Сегодня она как раз такая, что я бы ей воспользовался. Сначала, когда мы только предложили помогать с приобретением жилья на условии 30 на 70 (при покупке квартиры государство компенсирует 30% стоимости жилья – ред.), желающих не было. Люди все еще надеялись получить бесплатное жилье. Но когда поняли, что этого не будет, появилась очередь.

- Ну а что, по-вашему, необходимо сделать, чтобы покупка квартиры в Украине действительно стала доступной?

- Нужно поднимать вопрос о платежеспособности населения. Не может быть и речи о приобретении жилья, если у людей зарплата 2 тыс. грн. Да и государство социальным жильем не обеспечит всех желающих. Даже Китай за это не берется...

- Но ведь жилье в нашей стране действительно очень дорогое – это признают даже в Европе…

- Я считаю, что дешевле оно не будет. Нет никаких оснований для цены в 2 тыс. грн. за квадратный метр. Реальная минимальная стоимость – 4-4,5 тыс. грн. И речь идет о том жилье, которое наше общество не воспринимало, но в котором уже давно живут канадцы, американцы, даже европейцы.

Я говорю о коттеджах из сайдинга или фальш-бруса, на металлических стойках. Это теплое, комфортное жилье для людей. Понятно, что снаружи оно выглядят совсем просто, но ведь если строить дома из дорогого немецкого облицовочного кирпича, их стоимость будет совсем другой.

New Articles цернилтон отзывы онего-мед лечебная косметика медкнижка диффузно-узловая гиперплазия щитовидной железы поздний аборт частая смена настроения арахноидальная киста левой височной доли симптомы сифилиса скополамин лечение в наркологии

воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 г.

How to Remove Belly Fat - Three Secrets to Success

As we all know, losing weight can be very tough. You have to change your lifestyle completely and most importantly be committed. How to remove belly fat is real easy once you know some tips. If you apply what you read below, I guarantee you that you will lose belly fat.

First, and most important of all, attain motivation. This is extremely important in weight loss. Most people do not fail because they do not know how to remove belly fat, but because they simply stop the diet. Once you have motivation, losing weight is easy.

Next, continue eating. Most people are confused when I say this to them. They think that you have to eat less in order to lose weight. While that is true, you still need to keep eating in order to keep your metabolism up. If you have a low metabolism you can simply eat five or six small meals a day, rather than three large ones. Metabolism is your friend in removing belly fat; you should use it to your advantage.

Last, is to make multiple goals. This seems easy, yes, but many people fail to know how to make goals. Most people only make one goal and just focus on that. Instead what you should be doing is setting smaller goals and focus on those, that way you will not get discouraged or feel like the goal is an impossible task to complete.

Above I mention three terrific tips. Attain motivation, continue eating to help your metabolism and last make multiple goals. All three of these tips are pretty easy, it is just a matter if you apply them or not. These all show great ways to improve on

Interesting article on the subject It's Definitely More Fun in Manila: A Guide to Shopping in Manila

суббота, 16 марта 2013 г.

It Is Time We Stop Lying To Ourselves - Part 2

Today, let's breakdown the four food categories in a shopping list.

1) Proteins:

A) Fish is the best protein source. It should be baked, steamed, grilled, skewered, and broiled. No butter, oils or products containing salt or diary. Shrimp, Scallops, crab and lobster would be included in this group.

B) Chicken and Turkey breast is the second best source for protein. Egg whites are included in this group only. Chicken broth with no salt added is allowed, but you should make your own.

C) Beef, lamb and Pork should be used only once a day. They are the hardest for the body to burn off quickly. Use the lean cuts with no or very little fat. Beef broth is allowed with nsa but you should make your own.

2) Vegetables:

A) Free food but try to eat them with your meals. Yes tomato sauce is okay nsa (no salt added)

3) Carbohydrates:

A) Potatoes, Rice, Rice noodles, Parsnips, Yams, Jicama, Turnips, Sweet Potato, Rutabagas, Squash, Barley, and Millet. These foods are eaten at every meal in small portions but not at breakfast. Oatmeal is the wild card of this group. It is good for all meals and very multi-purpose. You eat it as Oatmeal cereal, use it as a coating, and grind it up to use as a flour.

4) Fruits:

A) Pears, Plums, Grapefruit, Papaya, Berries, honeydew, Peaches, Cantaloupe, Pineapple, Apples, Strawberries, and bananas. Now these are natures sweet and should treated as a reward. Don't over do it. They will hurt your weight loss.

The shopping list and has alot of choices. If you are a good cook and know how to use spices, the rest is easy. For those of us who have to learn the path, it is a little harder. Look down the road. If you learn to build your eating around the food groups, the weight loss will be reached.

Now for the portion sizes. Fish and chicken group can be 4-5 oz each meal. Beef and Pork group can be 3-4 oz for the last meal before the bedtime snack. Keep your carbohydrates to 1/2 cup per meal. Veggies are free but try to keep them under 2 cups. That is a lot of veggies. You can have fruit with your 1st meal and snack.

Fast food, junk food, and sugar drinks should be like your fat life... gone. Process sugar is a killer. Splenda is a great substitute. Drink lots of water. It is good for you. You can drink coffee and tea without sugar(use splenda) or cream, cream substitute.

Meals: 1 st meal can be a protein-carb-fruit, second protein-carb, third protein-carb-veggie, four protein-carb, fifth protein-carb-veggie, and last fruit.

That is enough for now tomorrow will talk about workouts. Go to this Website

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четверг, 14 марта 2013 г.

Промсвязьбанк — виды кредитов

Промсвязьбанк — это один из крупнейших российских банков, входящий в 10-ку ведущих банковских учреждений страны. На российском кредитном рынке банк предлагает такие типы кредитов:

Потребительский ссуду — ссужаемый кредитным учреждением физическим и корпоративным лицам для приобретения вещей с отсрочкой оплаты за полученные товары и услуги, с дальнейшим покрытием одолженных денег и процентной ставки по ссуде.

Банковские кредитки — совершенная разновидность кредита наличными, предоставляют возможность получать различные предметы личного пользования без необходимости посещать в банк с кредитным лимитом с позднейшим компенсацией одолженных денежных средств Промсвязьбанку.

Первостепенными задачами банковских кредиток являются снятие наличных средств в терминалах или отделении кредитной организации, а также отзывы о банках в терминалах партнерских кредитных организациях. Кроме того кредитные карты дают возможность делать безнальные перечисления сумм, а также производить оплату различных товаров. Заявка На Кредит.

В банке Промсвязьбанк хорошо представлено программы по ипотеке. Жилье в ипотеку дает возможность приобрести квартиру или дом без использования личных денежных средств, за счет финансовых ресурсов банка, с дальнейшим возмещением одолженных денег под незначительную процентную ставку. В качестве залога выступает приобретаемый недвижимый объект. Следует отметить, объект недвижимости подлежит страхованию от стихийных бедствий, помимо этого страхуется здоровье и жизнь получившего ипотеку.